Not Too Bouncy!

So I had an hour before I had to be back at work today and I was in desperate need of a pedicure.  So, I went to my usual place, figuring at 11 a.m. on a Thursday morning should be too busy.  They sat me in a chair, put my feet in water and gave me a magazine --- 40 minutes later I will still sitting there with the same old magazine -- the place was so busy.  But it got to me that Mrs. Michael's waltzes in and is taken right away (she probably had an appointment).

Being that I had to be back at work at 12 p.m. and that 20 minutes wouldn't work for a pedicure -- I took my feet out of the water, grabbed my shoes and purse and stepped out of the chair and landed right on my butt -- in my front of everyone!!!

I have never been so embarrassed.  I don't know what hurts worse - my butt or my pride....So how was your day??


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