Good Advice for Peaceful Homes
We had our Enrichment meeting tonight, if that's what they call it anymore. We learned how to make creative centerpieces using every day things and then a sister gave this great talk. She gave it in such a peaceful way that I really draw in as she spoke. I loved her thoughts.
Elder Richard G. Scott gave a talk at General conference on how we can have Peace at Home.
Elder Scott Said,
"One of the greatest blessings we can offer to the world is the power of a Christ-centered home (1) where the gospel is taught, (2) covenants are kept, (3) and love abounds."
He also said"
Many voices from the world in which we live tell us we should live at a frantic pace. There is always more to do and more to accomplish. Yet deep inside each of us is a need to have a place of refuge where peace and serenity prevail, a place where we can reset, regroup, and re-energize to prepare for future pressures.
The ideal place for that peace is within the walls of our own homes, where we have done all we can to make the Lord Jesus Christ the centerpiece.
Many homes have a different configuration. Regardless of your circumstances, you can center your home and your life on the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the source of true peace in this life.
Ladies, what are the things we should be doing to create an environment in which the Savior would feel comfortable to abide?
I personally think the first thing is to love yourself, and understand that you're a daughter of God. When we take care of ourselves spiritually it naturally blesses those within the walls of our homes.
Teach your family that Gratitude is one of the greatest keys to happiness. When people feel happy this creates an environment in which the spirit can dwell.
Be Optimistic, Don't let the ugly of the world get to you. Don't let it take hold of your heart. Have faith in the Lord's plan. Do what you can to strengthen your families, this will do more good for the world than allowing anger to take over your heart.
Practice acts of kindness. Actions speak louder than words. When we serve others it brings us fulfillment and creates beautiful memories.
Learn to forgive. Don't let a grudge get in the way of enjoying your family. Holding onto a grudge will be felt by those around you.
Be Loyal to those in your home. Show loyalty to your spouse. Speak kindly about each other.
Say "NO" to outside influences that will force the spirit to leave your home. Don't be afraid to tell your child "NO, you can not buy Grand Theft Auto". If we don't stand up to these influences and keep them out of our homes, who will?
As a family write out your house rules. Make it visible so when friends come to visit, they know what is NOT acceptable within the walls of your home.
Decorate your home with reminders of what you believe - Pictures of Christ, Temples, quotes that uplift. Those who Visit your home should never walk away not knowing what you stand for.
Speak kindly to one another- The words we say matter, the tone with which we say them matters. Words are powerful and can stay with us for many years to come, so choose them wisely. If you feel that you have nothing nice to say at the moment, give yourself a time out so you can get yourself together. Life can be overwhelming, even adults need their time outs.
Pray as a family - When we pray together it helps us cultivate love for each other. And don't forget to pray FOR each other. Let the people you love know that you're aware of their needs.
Keep the Sabbath day Holy. Doing so will make the Sabbath not just any ordinary day. It will make it a day of renewal and rejuvenation.
As you center your home on the Savior, it will naturally become a refuge not only to your own family but also to friends who live in more difficult circumstances. They will be drawn to the serenity they feel there. Welcome such friends into your home. They will blossom in that Christ-centered environment.
May we all find our own Heaven on earth within the walls of our homes.
Elder Richard G. Scott gave a talk at General conference on how we can have Peace at Home.
Elder Scott Said,
"One of the greatest blessings we can offer to the world is the power of a Christ-centered home (1) where the gospel is taught, (2) covenants are kept, (3) and love abounds."
He also said"
Many voices from the world in which we live tell us we should live at a frantic pace. There is always more to do and more to accomplish. Yet deep inside each of us is a need to have a place of refuge where peace and serenity prevail, a place where we can reset, regroup, and re-energize to prepare for future pressures.
The ideal place for that peace is within the walls of our own homes, where we have done all we can to make the Lord Jesus Christ the centerpiece.
Many homes have a different configuration. Regardless of your circumstances, you can center your home and your life on the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the source of true peace in this life.
Ladies, what are the things we should be doing to create an environment in which the Savior would feel comfortable to abide?
I personally think the first thing is to love yourself, and understand that you're a daughter of God. When we take care of ourselves spiritually it naturally blesses those within the walls of our homes.
Teach your family that Gratitude is one of the greatest keys to happiness. When people feel happy this creates an environment in which the spirit can dwell.
Be Optimistic, Don't let the ugly of the world get to you. Don't let it take hold of your heart. Have faith in the Lord's plan. Do what you can to strengthen your families, this will do more good for the world than allowing anger to take over your heart.
Practice acts of kindness. Actions speak louder than words. When we serve others it brings us fulfillment and creates beautiful memories.
Learn to forgive. Don't let a grudge get in the way of enjoying your family. Holding onto a grudge will be felt by those around you.
Be Loyal to those in your home. Show loyalty to your spouse. Speak kindly about each other.
Say "NO" to outside influences that will force the spirit to leave your home. Don't be afraid to tell your child "NO, you can not buy Grand Theft Auto". If we don't stand up to these influences and keep them out of our homes, who will?
As a family write out your house rules. Make it visible so when friends come to visit, they know what is NOT acceptable within the walls of your home.
Decorate your home with reminders of what you believe - Pictures of Christ, Temples, quotes that uplift. Those who Visit your home should never walk away not knowing what you stand for.
Speak kindly to one another- The words we say matter, the tone with which we say them matters. Words are powerful and can stay with us for many years to come, so choose them wisely. If you feel that you have nothing nice to say at the moment, give yourself a time out so you can get yourself together. Life can be overwhelming, even adults need their time outs.
Make General Conference memorable. There are so many
ideas out there. If you make it memorable, some of what was taught will
eventually sink in.
Pray as a family - When we pray together it helps us cultivate love for each other. And don't forget to pray FOR each other. Let the people you love know that you're aware of their needs.
Hold Family Home
Evening. If we're to make Christ the center of our homes, the family
needs to be a priority. The family gives a sense of belonging that we
all need.
your kids see you reading your scriptures. When they see that the
scriptures are important to you, it will make an unforgettable
impression on their hearts.
deep one on one discussions with your children when an important topic
arises. These memories will follow them where ever life takes them, so
take advantage of those moments.
Keep the Sabbath day Holy. Doing so will make the Sabbath not just any ordinary day. It will make it a day of renewal and rejuvenation.
As you center your home on the Savior, it will naturally become a refuge not only to your own family but also to friends who live in more difficult circumstances. They will be drawn to the serenity they feel there. Welcome such friends into your home. They will blossom in that Christ-centered environment.
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