Rainy Days and Sundays!

The icing on the cake was watching our old home movies. We have 3 broken video cameras and by some miracle, dad got one to work. We watched a few videos, including one from 2006. It was the year we met Jake for the very first time and welcoming Charly into the family. It was wonderful for her to see the outpouring of love. Papi was taking care of her and Tia Jenny came to the hospital. Then Nana was there, holding her and crying. And finally Papa came to help drive the moving truck to Texas. And of course, us!
One of the funniest movies was Christmas the year Bryant got home from his mission. At first the presents looked so lame. I was a bit disappointed in myself. Bryant complained about everything the girls opened. Then finally things got good. Jess got car speakers, Bry got a cell phone and Santa brought Stacey a camera. I still don't think Bryant smiled though. Oh and did I mention that I was HUGE. Just saying........ I hated myself.
Where does time go? Remember to hug your little ones a bit closer today - time flies.
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