Happy Endings
This week has been trying for me emotionally as I try to measure up to what I think I should be in a more worldly sense. I am so hard on myself.
I have been dedicated in my reading of the Book of Mormon. I know that President Monson has admonished us to read it for a reason. I have been listening to uplifting music and even to Joel Olsteen because I like his upbeat stories and his reminders that God LOVES us!
This past conference in April, 2 speakers quoted the same scriptures. "All things shall work together for thy good." Why? Why was this scripture important at this point. Well, it tell us ALL things. Not just the happy and wonderful things, but all things shall work together for our good. That means the disappoints, the feelings of not measuring up, the heartbreak, the lonely times, the despair. The good, the bad and the ugly shall work together for our good.
On Friday Jess called. She was telling me about her class with Professor Draper. They are studying Eastern and Western religions. She tunes in when they talk about Buddha, but tunes out when Draper read about Jesus or the Book of Mormon. Then she realized that she conditioned herself to do this and by tuning into Jesus, you can begin to understand what he was teaching.
We talked about perfection. How it is a cultural thing in Utah. Or a Mormon thing. Everyone is trying to be perfect. We talked some more but then she had class and I had to get back to work.
While at work, the Spirit prompted me to tell Jess that she has been blessed in her life by being the recipient of many people who were trying to be like Jesus. Striving to be perfect. I didn't expect a response from her.
But she called back a few hours later. During a class discussion, Draper noticed she was quiet and he asked her to share her thoughts. She opened up and read the text I sent that she had been contemplating. She told of her life being blessed by others. She told of turning to myself, dad or Jeneca when she needs direction. She knows the response she will get.
. After she was finished, Draper said -- "thanks for sharing your testimony with us." She knew I would be so happy to hear that story. Indeed I am. I shared with her that I was inspired. Prompted by the Holy Ghost to share my thoughts with her. I heard the voice of the Lord because there is Power in the Book of Mormon to act as conduit to God. It is how the Lord speaks to us.
I am so happy I chose to follow the Prophet.
One more thing. While serving as temple ordinance worker on Saturday, I was reminded of my great worth as a daughter of God. I know in the temple I am serving as an angel and administering sacred and importance ordinance. I feel a deep love for those I serve and those I serve with. I serve there with confidence and it is something that diminishes the doubts the world gives to me.

This past conference in April, 2 speakers quoted the same scriptures. "All things shall work together for thy good." Why? Why was this scripture important at this point. Well, it tell us ALL things. Not just the happy and wonderful things, but all things shall work together for our good. That means the disappoints, the feelings of not measuring up, the heartbreak, the lonely times, the despair. The good, the bad and the ugly shall work together for our good.
On Friday Jess called. She was telling me about her class with Professor Draper. They are studying Eastern and Western religions. She tunes in when they talk about Buddha, but tunes out when Draper read about Jesus or the Book of Mormon. Then she realized that she conditioned herself to do this and by tuning into Jesus, you can begin to understand what he was teaching.
We talked about perfection. How it is a cultural thing in Utah. Or a Mormon thing. Everyone is trying to be perfect. We talked some more but then she had class and I had to get back to work.
While at work, the Spirit prompted me to tell Jess that she has been blessed in her life by being the recipient of many people who were trying to be like Jesus. Striving to be perfect. I didn't expect a response from her.
But she called back a few hours later. During a class discussion, Draper noticed she was quiet and he asked her to share her thoughts. She opened up and read the text I sent that she had been contemplating. She told of her life being blessed by others. She told of turning to myself, dad or Jeneca when she needs direction. She knows the response she will get.
. After she was finished, Draper said -- "thanks for sharing your testimony with us." She knew I would be so happy to hear that story. Indeed I am. I shared with her that I was inspired. Prompted by the Holy Ghost to share my thoughts with her. I heard the voice of the Lord because there is Power in the Book of Mormon to act as conduit to God. It is how the Lord speaks to us.
I am so happy I chose to follow the Prophet.
One more thing. While serving as temple ordinance worker on Saturday, I was reminded of my great worth as a daughter of God. I know in the temple I am serving as an angel and administering sacred and importance ordinance. I feel a deep love for those I serve and those I serve with. I serve there with confidence and it is something that diminishes the doubts the world gives to me.
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