We have been having thunderstorms in New York all last week. You know what it's like. Hot, humid, unbearable.....then bang a big storm comes out of nowhere. As you drive, it's perfectly sunny on one side of the dark cloud, then you are in it and you can barely see the road in front of you.
Last Friday, dad set out for his route in a big semi. He was heading to lower Manhattan. Do you know how small the streets are down there?? After navigating lower Manhattan, he heads west to New Jersey. The traffic in New Jersey on a Friday is CRAZY -- never mind, the storms. He's basically stuck for hours. After New Jersey, he head to JFK, going east. They get to JFK late, there is only one dock open and there is a 3 foot flood. He has to take off his socks and shoes to wade through the water to make sure his trailer is level with the dock. I called him at 10:30 p.m. to see where he was and he was on his way home, but didn't actually get home until 1 a.m. because his helper didn't have a ride home and he lives in Newburgh! Yup, dad left the house at 8 a.m. and returned at 1 a.m.
On Sunday, dad just wanted to relax after church and since it was a beautiful day with no chance of storms, he wanted to sail his catamaran after church. He keeps his little boat at one of his tree customer/turned friend's home in Mahopac on a lake. The two of them were setting sail. I get a text about dinner time that reads, "Mast collapsed in the middle of lake, we are drifting slowly to shore. Be home soon." I started to track his location on Find My Phone to see when he was on his way. About 9:30 p.m., I told Jess that we should go and find him and see if he was ok. Then we heard his motorcycle coming up on High Acres. He comes in, lost part of his beloved lunch box, and we ask, "Do you have you phone?" "Yup, in my backpack." Nope, it's not there! So he, and Jess and Charly then go back to the lake to find it in the dark. Luckily, prayers were answered and they did!
Our lives are never dull.
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