End of Summer
Ok - I'll admit it - I'm not a fan of summer. Maybe because I hate bugs. Maybe it's the humidity. love to be cold. I don't know what it is. I love autumn, when it gets dark early and there is a chill in the air. I love to come home and see my house lights on. I love a fire in the fireplace. I'm all about the Fall.Piper's First Father's Blessing |
Jess and Charly are adjusting to life here in NY. It's hard to move in the summer and have to wait to make friends. And it's been a terribly humid summer, so poor Jess, has had to deal with that. But we are at the home stretch. I know they miss Utah and the life they had there. They especially miss their family there. I am praying that the heavens will one day place us all together in the near future.
Lindsey put together a beautiful shower for Jess. How lucky is that to have so many people love you, here and in Utah. I know she feels so lucky for the outpouring of love. Now she has all that she needs for this new baby girl to arrive.
In September I'll turn 60. Here are some of my goals that I want to complete for then:
- Lose 5 pounds (that's always my goal)
- Learn a hymn on the piano that I can play and people can actually sing with
- Keep up with my blog
- Daily exercise
- Take someone people to lunch that I don't know well
As the night was a bit cooler recently, I can't help but count my blessings.
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