Updates on Our Crazy Reality

Church at home March 2020
We are living in a new normal. We need to wear masks to go out in public. It's is still up in the air as to whether or not school will continue online or if students will be allowed into the buildings. I have been "working" from home, but not really working. I am truly blessed in that I have a job and get paid. Dad's been steady with work. Everything seems on hold. NY is in Phase 4 of reopening which means restaurants are now open, but servers wear masks and gloves. Nail salons are now open, but you get your temperature checked when you go in and you have to have an appointment. Weight Watchers is now opened but the same thing. Plus the seats are 6 feet apart. There are lines to get into grocery stores because capacity is limited.
We have traveled. Which is a miracle. I took vacation from "work" and went to Utah in June. I stayed 2 weeks. Dad stayed 5 days. While we were there, NY put Utah on a list of states that, if you travel to them, you need to quarantine for 14 days upon return to NY. Dad got back before the list went into effective. I did not.

Travel on the airplane was GREAT. I had the whole row to myself. I laid down and read a book the whole way back. Upon my return, at 9:30 p.m., the Jetblue terminal at JFK was almost completely empty. I made my way back to long-term parking completely alone. I was terrified and it felt as if I was in a sci-fi movie.
Then in June, protests and riots broke out across the country and the world about Black Lives Matter. Protests were for the death of black people by police officers. Namely, the death of George Floyd, but of course, there have been others. Protests are one of our rights in this country, but soon the country started to see the people were starting riots and looting. Some say these were intentional.
In July, sex-slave industry is being brought to light and it is also being censored. No one in mainstream media is speaking up about it. It's horrific. It is a $1 billion dollar a year industry. Snapchat and TikTok are tools that fuel the industry. But no censorship on those apps. What's wrong with America.
I know we are living in the last days. Satan is pulling out all the stops and now he is focusing on children. While adults stand silent. President Benson has told us that the gospel will save America. I see that is true because it seems that the only ones speaking out about human trafficking are those that love God.
Enough of my rant. Love your families. Love the Lord.
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