You're lucky if you get to go to school in a building and see all your friends. I bet life feels a bit more normal for you. In NY, only small schools are going back to the building. Where I work at Dutchess BOCES, only 1/2 the kids are coming in in different groups, 2 days a week. Others chose to do fully remote learning online. Charly begins remotely and, hopefully, by October 5th, she can go into the building 1 day a week.
It just seems like such a stressful time. I don't know if it is all the uncertainty or the lack of control. I need to focus a bit on the things that I can control. Like my diet, my mindset, my exercise and my scripture reading.Stacey is having eye surgery on October 15th and I can't go help her with her family. In NY, you have to quarantine 14 days if you travel to a state that is on "the list." Utah is on the list and so is basically every other state.Skipper's program is not open and I feel so bad that he has to sit here all day.
I read a really good thought on Sunday. And that is, if we fail to learn anything during these challenging times, we missed a huge opportunity for growth. Is that what this is?
One amazing blessing through all of this is even though I didn't work full-time at my job, I got paid full-time salary! That is such a blessing....and now I'm back at work....until retirement!
Summer, we're out!
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