Valentine Dream Come True


How on earth did this happen?

Of course, you are wondering that.
Stacey and Jake walked into La Jolla Grove in Provo for their Valentine dinner date and right away Jake spotted Donny Osmond and his wife.
After Donny had finished dinner and left the restaurant, Stacey and Jake followed them outside.  They were talking to another gentleman but Stacey said, "Mr. Osmond?" And he turned around.  She told him that he was the reason that she grew up in the Church.  So then they facetimed me!  Pretty exciting to say the least.  Even better is that he followed some of my Instragram stories after that!  I guess I made an impression!  (wink)

Well, I am a long-time Osmond fan.  I first remember watching them on the Andy William's show.  So imagine how excited I was about hearing their hit single "One Bad Apple" in the early 70's.  For that day forward, I have inhaled "all things Osmond."

I was attracted to their family relationships and their wholesome image.  That lead me to investigate the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I was baptized on February 9, 1977.
"in the midst of winter, I found in me
an invincible summer"

I have heard about what a nice guy Donny was.  Some of my more memorable Donny stalkings are:

  • Madison Square Garden (chasing the limo)
  • Hiding behind the drapes with my mom at the Hilton hotel by Madison Square Garden
  • Grabbing him and kissing him in Allentown, PA
  • Leaning up against the limo in Allentown as I watched the Osmond get into the car, only to realize Donny was sitting by the window I was leaning against and looking up at me
  • Fishkill Walmart
  • Hill Cumorah Pageant (he was Samuel the Lamanite)
  • Stalking out his ward in Provo with Stacey, Jess and Charly
  • Sewing him a purple and white striped shirt as a teenager and having him pictured with it in Tiger Beat magazine
  • Making a fried chicken dinner with Mary Anne Morano and bringing it to Madison Square Garden


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