
Today I got a phone call from Uncle's job coach. He hasn't been there in over a month. Not even for a day, not even for a minute! Where does he go??? He lies so much. Doesn't he ever reason in his mind that he will eventually get caught? I met him at his 4 p.m. psychiatrist appointment. I told him his job coach has been looking for him. He admitted to not going, made up his usual excuses. Then I said it was working, the job, his living with us, nothing. We aren't able to help him and some other changes had to be made. He had a look of terror in his eyes. He again promised that he would go to work and that he likes living with us. Why do I feel like a villain? Will things ever improve for him? What kind of life is he suppose to live? Why does it all feel like it's going backwards? Sad day. Keep Uncle in your prayers.


  1. Wow, that is a sad day...not sure what his purpose in life is, maybe its to teach us patience, and having Christ-like love.


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