I know for my Utah family school has already begun!  Piper and Brooklyn are now in kindergarten and Hudson is in 1st grade.  Logan is in 4th grade and Zoey is in 5th.  Will and Logan are in the 7th grade in Jr. High.  Charly starts high school tomorrow.

You're lucky if you get to go to school in a building and see all your friends.  I bet life feels a bit more normal for you.  In NY, only small schools are going back to the building.  Where I work at Dutchess BOCES, only 1/2 the kids are coming in in different groups, 2 days a week.  Others chose to do fully remote learning online.  Charly begins remotely and, hopefully, by October 5th, she can go into the building 1 day a week.

It just seems like such a stressful time.  I don't know if it is all the uncertainty or the lack of control.  I need to focus a bit on the things that I can control.  Like my diet, my mindset, my exercise and my scripture reading.

Stacey is having eye surgery on October 15th and I can't go help her with her family.  In NY, you have to quarantine 14 days if you travel to a state that is on "the list."  Utah is on the list and so is basically every other state.  

Skipper's program is not open and I feel so bad that he has to sit here all day.  

I read a really good thought on Sunday.  And that is, if we fail to learn anything during these challenging times, we missed a huge opportunity for growth.  Is that what this is?  

One amazing blessing through all of this is even though I didn't work full-time at my job, I got paid full-time salary!  That is such a blessing....and now I'm back at work....until retirement!

Summer, we're out! 


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