Have Yourself the Best Christmas

 2020 has been a year like none other.  So we threw caution to the wind, and we all went to Utah.  I left on Christmas night and the rest of the family left the next day.  Even Josephine came along.  

2020 saw a lot of loss.  I lost a co-worker, we lost dear Blair Garff and we lost our dear Aunt Vicki at the start of the pandemic.  Christmas also brings memories of losing my father in 1989.  Christmas day, that year, was the last day I saw him alive.  Needless to say, the decision to go to Utah and be with our family was emotionally based.  

Things couldn't have worked out better all around.  John, Bill's brother, visited with Skip each day.  He even took him to lunch and on a trip to Walmart.  Skipper said that John was "wearing him out!"  

The flights were virtually empty.  We all stayed at Stacey and Jake's.  We got to see everyone and be with everyone!  There were so many wonderful memories made.  Here's to gathering with family and memories that that fill our buckets.

Here are some highlights of the trip:

  • Celebrating Jenni's birthday with just us girls at Cheesecake Factory
  • Trip to Midway cabin in the snow - we made it!!
  • Family dinner and gift exchange
  • Watching Josephine play with the kids
  • Shooting range for Dad and Bryant
  • New Year's Eve - but dad and I were headed back to NY
  • Remembering Poppy at dinner on the anniversary of his passing
  • Watching The Wall


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