I love Octobers, but November is by far my favorite month. Maybe it's because of the chilly weather, flannel, comforters, the woodstove, Hallmark movies, the thoughts of gift giving and helping others, and the way the house glows from the lights within as I drive home and, of course, the fireplace, puzzles, board games and good food. All those things describe bliss to me. I wish November could last a little longer. I love everything about Thanksgiving. The food, the memories of family, the friends, a holiday to gather around but doesn't involve presents or stress. Did I say I love Black Friday too?
Brookyn's First Day |
Dubois Farms |
Besties |
One of my most favorite Thanksgivings was when we rent the AirBNB in Salt Lake. Wasn't that fun! Just hanging out!! I'll never forget sitting at that big table surrounded by all of you! I think the trip to Temple Square on that cold Saturday night scared Stacey for life and she's never been back! How we rushed to get there in time to see the lights turn on and missed it by a second. Let's do it again!
The Fall flew by. Josephine's birthday, my birthday, everyone else's birthday (lol) - Halloween, Hee Haw Farms, Hahn's Farm and Dubois Farm, Cornbelly's, Trunk or Treat, football, field hockey and Charly's play. Phew! It's all so good and the memories will last forever.
Zoey and Piper |
Just hanging out with Grandpa |
We will have to wait 4 years for the temple temple lights....