Goodbye 2019
Time is ticking away and we put aside 2019 and say hello to 2020! I am always anxious at this time of year as I contemplate what the new year will bring!
- I pray we all stay healthy and safe and happy.
- I pray we give to others we see along the way, whether it's a smile, hard cold cash or a listening ear.
- I pray we look to Jesus Christ as our foundation. The Rock we can lean on.
- I pray we live in the moment. Laugh more. Have more joy.
- I pray we can make improvements in our lives
Bring on the Book of Mormon this year! In the manual it talks about how much the Book of Mormon teaches us about the plan of salvation - the plan of happiness - the plan of redemption - the plan of mercy -- aren't those all beautiful ways the plan is described in the Book of Mormon. There is a plan, we lived in Heaven, we are eternal beings -- so I've been contemplating the question asked by President Nelson "what would your life be like if you didn't have the Book of Mormon in it?"
For me,
- I wouldn't have met dad
- I wouldn't have felt peace at the passing away of my mother and father
- I wouldn't have had the wonderful friends we have had in the Church
- I wouldn't have tried to be a better person
- I wouldn't have felt that my life has meaning
- I wouldn't know the peace that comes from being in the Temple
- I wouldn't have known that there are prophets on the Earth, something I always thought about as young girl
- I wouldn't know that God knows our names
- I wouldn't know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are separate beings
- I wouldn't have known that God wants us to have joy
- And so many more blessings

So what about you? "What would your life be like if you didn't have the Book of Mormon in it?"
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